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This 3-minute video, “Why Storytelling?” was recently created for IBM’s Storytelling practice.

What We Can Do For You

A good story well told is powerful.

Story is an essential tool for any individual who communicates information for the purpose of business results. Embedding story into conversations and presentations raises attention, increases memory for information, and builds emotional connection. A good story well told can persuade and even motivate action.  Knowing how to craft and tell a compelling story is a skill that can be learned and practiced — a key competency of high performers.

Contact Us to Learn More

Working Stories offers story skills programs and consultation for

  • leaders
  • managers
  • sellers
  • technologists
  • communication specialists, and
  • indeed any group or individuals wishing to improve outcomes

Learn the successful practical techniques of crafting and embedding narrative into communications and presentations.  Offerings tailored to our client’s needs and goals.

"No one ever made a decision because of a number. They need a story."

Daniel Kahneman

“Those who create and tell engaging human stories are better communicators than those who can’t or don’t.”

Noel M. Tichy

“Every great business has a great story to tell. The businesses that realize their potential are the ones that figure out how to tell their stories well.”

Hilary Schneider, VP, Yahoo!

“The face-to-face telling of the right story in the right room at the right time and in the right way can galvanize listeners to action and reset the teller’s success trajectory.”

Peter Guber, chairman and CEO, Mandalay Entertainment

“Telling purposeful stories is the best way to persuade, motivate, and convince.”

President Bill Clinton

“Effective storytelling is one of the most important things leaders can do to drive productive collaboration, especially in today’s video-centric and connected world.”

John Chambers, Chairman and CEO, Cisco
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